Sunday, August 4, 2024

Love and Loyalty

I’m always intrigued by the Book of Psalms.
Today I read an interesting psalm that read like a self-inventory, but it also reminded me of Emily Browning’s “How Do I Love Thee---Let me Count the Ways.”

Do we ever talk to God about how we love Him, or do we just say, “I love you, Lord” and let it go at that?

In Psalm 26 (*NLT), David listed about a dozen ways he tried to show his love and loyalty to God. One was the importance of living according to God’s truth (v. 3). We are blessed to have the Bible in our language, but do we read it, meditate upon it, and apply it to our daily choices? Hebrews 10:5-7 reminds us that Christ came to do God’s will. Should we do any less?

This psalm also says David was choosy about whom he spent time with. For example, he didn’t spend time with liars or go along with hypocrites (v. 4, 5). Close friendship with evildoers was not on his list. We live with people of all kinds and interact with them on various levels, but pleasing God should be our priority.

Here's another important action: Giving praise and thanks to God (v. 6-8,12). We need to do it both privately and publicly, or in a group setting. Psalm 100:4-5 says we are to enter into God’s gates with thanksgiving, then move on into His courts with praise. Why? Three reasons are given: 1) The Lord is good, 2) His love is unfailing, and 3) His faithfulness is to all generations.

You can’t miss the fact that David was aware of the differences between the godly and the wicked. Twice he declared he lived and acted with integrity (v. 1, 11). Such a person lives true to their moral principles. Their honest lives can be attested to by both the people around them and by God.

Remember, it's important to consider how we show our love and loyalty in relationships . . . both earthly and heavenly. A little self-check might do us some good, too.

*All scriptures this week are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004, 2013 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Pixabay Photo: Pedestrians, People, Busy image; B_Me 

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