Sunday, August 11, 2024

Who Cares?

Loneliness is a given in the human condition.
Wm. C. Martin might have been experiencing such feelings when he penned a hymn made famous by George Beverly Shea and other great vocalists. It’s a personal favorite: *My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me.

Here’s how it starts: I trust in God wherever I may be, upon the land or on the rolling sea. For come what may, from day to day, my heavenly father watches over me. He later mentions God’s care whether in the lion’s den or prison pen, through flood or flame, and, last of all, he declares through the gloom He’ll lead me home.

David believed in a God who cares. Take for example **Psalm 27:13. It says he believed he would see God’s goodness in the land of the living. This was in contrast to Psalm 23:6 where he said he would live in God’s house forever. We can only conclude that God was his hope for time and eternity.

Psalm 31 gives us a few more of God’s caring qualities. He always does what is right, He’s a rock of refuge and a stronghold of deliverance, faithful to rescue His followers because of His unfailing love.

David poured out his heart in prayer because, in his life experience, God heard and answered them. He served a living God, not some worthless idol of no help when needed.

There are many reasons for loneliness. In Psalm 31 David was hurting not only because of his enemies, but neighbors and friends were also treating him with disdain. He said they turned the other way when they saw him on the street, he was being slandered, and plots were being made against him.

David praised the Lord for all the times He had already shown the wonders of His unfailing love. Later on, he declared, “My health may fail and my spirit may grow weak but God remains the strength of my heart. He is mine forever.” (Psalm 73:26)

Who cares? God cares. When we’re lonely and/or frustrated with life, let’s put our hope and trust in God, speaking freely from our hearts to Him in prayer. And listening to uplifting songs such as the one by Wm. C. Martin may be encouraging, also.

*; lyrics: My Heavenly Father Watches Over Me; Wm. C. Martin, Author (1864-1914); Copyright: Public Domain.

**All Scriptures from The Holy Bible, Berean Standard Bible (BSB), Published by Bible Hub, Pittsburg, PA, USA, Copyright 2022; Used by permission.

Pixabay Photo: Man, Moon, Silhouette; milaoktasafitri.


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