Sunday, October 30, 2022

Just Tap It

Even with renewed Covid distancing, I hear conversations while in checkout lines.
This week I overheard an unusual comment from a lady ahead of me.

She was having trouble using her credit card and the clerk told her what to do. After withdrawing her card, she said, “One of these days they’re going to standardize these cards and it won’t be a problem.”

I could sympathize with her frustration. She and I are only two of the millions who have upped the credit card game from sliding to inserting to tapping.

Technology constantly challenges us with updates and changes. I try to keep up, but sometimes I have to turn to my techie Goddaughters for help. They’re not only helpful but encouraging, with comments like “You’re doing good” (while kindly neglecting to add “for your age”).

When I heard the lady’s remarks about credit cards I was reminded of news from Europe. Experiments are being done with an ID chip on the wrist. That seems far out, but even the old comic strip with Dick Tracy talking into his wristwatch no longer seems like a crazy idea!

Science fiction fans consistently see futuristic and outlandish things. But we can find some amazing apocalyptic predictions in the last book of the Bible, too.

If interested, read Revelation 13:16-18. A world ruler will require anyone who wants to buy or sell, to have a chip implanted with his number (666) in their hand or forehead. The lady I overheard was right. One day they will standardize credit cards into small chips with one number.

The problem is, the little chip has eternal consequences (Revelation 14:9-10). Those who desire to have a part in God’s kingdom will no longer have a place if they accept this number.

Only God knows the timing of futuristic events. To be forewarned is to be forearmed; however, that includes tapping into God’s encouraging words in Psalm 37:1-3 (NKJV) while we wait:  Do not fret . . . trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land and feed on His faithfulness.