Sunday, July 28, 2024

Sharpen Your Focus

Do you feel a little stressed by the news?
What about your budget and bills coming due? Sometimes I want to relax but it seems there’s always one more thing shouting for attention!

Outside pressure is a given, but sometimes we pressure ourselves by placing value on the wrong things. A good self-check needs to be done now and then, but only when we are not under pressure.

We each react to stress based on our values. Sometimes we immediately realize how we caused our stress, other times we squeak by and promise ourselves we’ll consider a better response later. But life gets busy and we forget.

You’ve probably heard don’t shop for groceries when you’re hungry. Having tried it, I’d agree. But the same idea could apply to making major decisions or having important discussions.

This week I was reminded of Esau’s lack of focus due to hunger. He came in from hunting and smelled Jacob’s tantalizing stew (Genesis 25:29-34).

Being the oldest, his was to be a great blessing and inheritance, but Jacob saw an opportunity and said he’d exchange some stew for Esau’s birthright.

Esau was hungry, but I don’t think he had ever given his birthright much thought because of his careless reply. “I’m so hungry I could die. What good is my birthright!”

In this way, Esau despised his birthright (Genesis 25:34, BSB). Very little consideration is given to things we despise, scorn, or devalue.

Do we value our spiritual birthright? When we ask Jesus to take away our sins, the Holy Spirit comes to help us live a life pleasing to God. Paul describes it as walking in the Spirit, and not in the flesh (Romans 8:11-14).   

Don’t be misled . . . works of the flesh are not only sexual. Fleshly desires also include lying, stealing, slander, unforgiveness, and unwholesome talk (Ephesians 4:17-32).  

We despise our spiritual birthright by compromising our values. A lie is a lie, little or not. Spousal cheating is wrong, even one time. Causing someone to be hurt by withholding information you know would help them is walking in the flesh, not the Spirit.

This week, I’m challenged to sharpen my spiritual focus with David’s prayer: Psalm 51:10-12. I hope you’ll join me. 

All Scriptures Berean Standard Bible (BSB)

Pixabay: Lens, Focus, Clouds; Juno 1412

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