Sunday, July 7, 2024

Don't Be a Fool

People-watching is more interesting to me than birds. But each has identifying characteristics. For people, it’s actions and words. Let’s look at four human identifiers.

(1)    Fools reject discipline and unwisely refuse to heed correction. The “terrible two’s” are no joke. Even at young ages, children need to be guided with loving correction. A good guideline for parents is this: Avoid empty threats: Don’t say it unless you mean it. It will stand you in good stead for all your parenting years. (Proverbs 15:5, BSB)

(2)    A fool is quarrelsome and vents all his anger. Fools have no self-control. They are self-centered and short-sighted, not interested in resolving disputes or making amends. (Prov. 29:11; 20:3; 14:9)

(3)    A fool’s mouth invites a beating.  Guarding his mouth would protect his life. But that’s not all . . . by opening his lips a fool can bring strife, snare his soul, and ruin his life. (Prov. 18:6-7; 13:3)

(4)    Fools detest turning from evil. Their folly (foolishness and stupidity) deceives them. The prudent, or wise, see danger and take cover, but not fools. They keep going and pay the penalty.  (Prov. 13:19, 14:8 27:12)

Fools can be male or female, young or old. The good thing is that being a fool is not permanent.

Wisdom begins with a willingness to acknowledge there is a God Almighty. Proverbs 1:7 says that respect for God (the fear of the LORD) is “the beginning of wisdom.”  

It’s a good start, but St. Peter said we should grow in the “grace and knowledge” of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18). An easy way to grow in Jesus is to read His words in a red-letter edition of the Bible. (Without that, just read the gospels and mark Jesus’ words your way.)

We need to “people-watch ourselves,” not just others. Don't be a fool. If any of the 4 items apply to you, ask God for forgiveness. Pray like David: Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. (Psalm 51:10). Then go, and grow!

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