Sunday, June 30, 2024

Six Sources of Joy

Joy . . . what a positive word!
It’s impossible to frown or be grumpy if you are joyful. You’re more likely to be smiling and looking around with a sparkle in your eye.

One of my favorite verses is Nehemiah 8:10 (BSB). I have encouraged myself time and again by quoting “. . . the joy of the LORD is your strength.” I’m hanging on to that because it works.

But I’ve embarked on a study of joy and been challenged to think deeper. As I pursue individual verses, I find myself interested in their setting.

Nehemiah 8:10 is an example. Read chapter eight and you’ll learn that the people were anxious to hear God’s word read aloud. They also wanted it explained so they could understand it. But they began to weep when they realized how far they were from obedience to God’s word.

Then came a day holy unto the LORD. Ezra gave the people special instructions: (1) Do not grieve, but (2) celebrate together with rich food and sweet drinks, and (3) share with people who are not prepared. Did you catch that simple concept? Joy is to be shared.

The people rejoiced that they now understood what had been read. The next day they gathered around Ezra to hear more of the word of the LORD.

How deep is your desire to know God’s Word? Hopefully, you’re not satisfied with Sunday sermons, or a weekly small group study. These are good, but there are seven days in the week. Jesus said, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4, BSB)I’m quite regular with my daily meals and I’m trying to pursue daily Scriptures, too.

This week, I discovered six sources of joy: (1) Cheerful giving (to God and others), (2) God’s provision, (3) Obedience to God’s Word, (4) Praising God, (5) Thankfulness, and (6) Worship.

When you're short on joy, think about this list. Perhaps joy is not only a feeling; it's also a way of life.

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