Sunday, June 9, 2024

An Easy Read

Give me a book that is easy to read, please.
By that I mean a nice size print and lines with a little space between. I was excited to receive a book like this from a friend. The best book in the world.

I am now happily reading my *Berean Standard Bible (BSB). It’s not only a nice hard-cover edition, but the pages turn easily and don’t stick together.

If you’re wondering about this new translation, let me share a line from their Preface: Based on the best available manuscripts and sources, each word is connected back to the Greek and Hebrew text to produce a transparent text that can be studied for its root meanings.  If interested, you’ll find further helpful resources on their website: www.Berean.Bible

My favorite Psalm has always been “Old One Hundred.” The BSB layout made it easy to underline three basic reminders of how to serve the LORD: (1) Make a joyful noise to Him, (2) serve Him with gladness, and (3) come into His presence with joyful songs.

According to verse 3, The LORD is not only the God who made us but also the One who knows how to take care of us: We are His people and the sheep of His pasture. David details The Good Shepherd’s care in his Twenty-Third Psalm.

Psalm 100 says to enter into God’s Presence, but how? It’s not hard, but it is personal. First, we enter His gates with thanksgiving. Your list will differ from mine.

Next, we move closer with praise, a way to also bless His name. The Psalms are a big help, and songs of praise often come to mind.

Why take time to give God thanksgiving and praise?  Verse five sums it up: 1) The LORD is good, 2) His love is forever, and 3) His faithfulness is to all generations. There are no limits and it never runs out.

I enjoy comparing translations on my Bible app (YouVersion). If you want to see Psalm 100 as an easy read in the BSB, check it out.

I have now listed *BSB in my Sources: The Holy Bible, Berean Standard Bible (BSB). Copyright 2022 by Bible Hub. Used by Permission, All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

Photo: Read/Cozy Coffee by digitalmeta555 on Pixabay.

1 comment:

  1. The first Psalm I memorized at Glad Tidings AG was Psalm 100! At 5 years old its truths burrowed deep in my heart and the next year I repented and received Jesus as my Savior! Thank you, Darlis ❤️


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