Sunday, July 21, 2024

Me First

Do those two words bring negative thoughts to mind?
They do me. Starting with toddlers whose favorite word is “Mine!” In other words, "Me first! No sharing with you!"

But as we grow, we learn that sharing can make the world a better place. Caring parents teach manners. Courtesy shows up as “you before me.”

I was surprised when my mind jumped to "me first" as a positive thing. In that sense, it meant, "Please allow me to let you go first." An example of that would be what we call "The Golden Rule." Does this ring a bell? Do to Others as You Would Have Them Do to You.

But other "Me Firsts" could include:

  1. Refresh Others/Be Refreshed (Proverbs 11:25)
  2. Cast Bread/It Returns (Ecclesiastes 11:1, Proverbs 19:17, Acts 10:1-8)
  3. Sow/Reap (Galatians 6:7; 2 Corinthians 9:6-7)
  4. God: The Example (Romans 5:8; John 3:16)

Let’s briefly explore these:

 1.       True refreshing gives careful consideration to other’s needs. They can turn up when least expected. When I fell and broke my femur, I was refreshed with three weeks of much-needed care (24/7) by friends and relatives.

 2.      Let’s consider “bread” as money. Many charities need bread cast their way; however, you can also cast your bread as kindness to people in your circle of acquaintances. God takes notice of those who give to the poor. In Acts, the story of a Roman Centurian illustrates this. He was a devout believer who gave to the poor and prayed daily. He was told God took notice and was answering his prayers.

3.       Sowing and reaping is such a basic illustration, who could miss it? Any gardener or farmer knows that sowing seeds sparingly results in a sparse harvest. But, little or much, it’s important also to be a cheerful giver.

4.       God set the “Me First” example. How? Paul said that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. God didn’t wait for us to earn salvation. He lovingly sent His Son, and the Son loved the Father and obeyed His Father’s will.

Since “Me First” can be negative or positive, here’s the challenge. How many ways can you avoid "Me First" as a negative this week, and make it a positive?

All scriptures from BSB (Berean Standard Bible)

Pixabay Illustration: Selfishness, Egotistical, Self-Love, by RosZie. 


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