Sunday, November 6, 2022

Unexpected Blessing #1

                                          UNEXPECTED BLESSING #1

I was born with a neck problem. When first diagnosed it was labeled “wry neck.” Years later it was called “torque neck.”

The presenting problem was a neck muscle on my right side. As I grew, it remained short. This meant my head always tilted to the right and I couldn’t help it. In my teenage years, I started to become very self-conscious.

I’ve always wondered how our family doctors could check for scoliosis, and never notice my crooked neck. But I had an unexpected blessing in my third year of college.

I had an extremely sore throat and decided to go to the university’s free clinic.

The man behind the desk stood up as I walked in. “I can help you with that,” he said.

 "Thanks. I’m here with a very sore throat.”

 “OK, but I’m looking at your neck. I’ve never operated on anyone as old as you, but I still think it would work.” He was an orthopedic surgeon, one of the many doctors who volunteered at the clinic.

left with a prescription for strep throat and information regarding his office if I desired an evaluation of my neck.

My problem was not solved with one surgery, but two.

First, the short muscle was detached from my collarbone on the right side. I still have a small scar there. Next, the doctor striated the muscle behind my right ear. I’ve always associated that procedure with the word “shredded." Whatever . . . it worked.

During the next school year, I faithfully applied wet hot packs to the right side of my neck. Then I gradually and persistently pulled to the left. The good news is, my neck straightened up.

God opened a door for me that I had no idea existed. Author Squire Rushnell would call it a “God Wink.” To me, however, it was an unexpected blessing and I still find it easy to say, “Thank you, God.”

 Note: This will be a four-week series.

1 comment:

  1. This is an amazing story! The life of suffering you were spared! When does an orthopedic surgeon volunteer and of all places at a free campus clinic! Times have sure changed I think.


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