Sunday, February 24, 2019

Welcome to My World


People = Personal Environments
Welcome to my world is a catchy phrase, but welcome to my environment might be more accurate.

Each of us is a personal environment. People around us live in it.

For example, an older sibling may tell the younger, “Mom’s tired, so don’t bother her.” Or office staff may warn of the boss’s mood by saying, “Stay out of Dick’s way today!”

We are the personal setting for our environment. Our setting includes things like attitude, responsiveness, sense of self, concern for others, word choices and core values.

I grew up with a popular song that said, “No man is an island.” We are actually born into relationships. It starts with family, expands to friends, and enlarges to a great number of co-workers and acquaintances.

Some People Connect More Than Others 
Have you noticed how some people seem to have an abundance of positive relationships, and others not so many? Some people exude openness, others seem quite closed. I know which I would rather approach, and I’m sure you do, too.

The environment you carry with you makes a difference. Not one of us has a perfect life, so a bad day is no excuse for a prickly personality.

One of the people I admired most in my college years was like a second mom to me. I could talk to her anytime, about anything. Though working full time as a single mom to support two children, she always had time to be an encourager or brighten the day with her sense of humor.

I never knew what great challenges she faced in life until I became friends with her sister years later. “Mom” had plenty of reasons to close herself off, but she never did. I, for one, am grateful.

It’s interesting how some of the busiest people can still be very approachable. Here's a great example.

St. Mark wrote of a time when Jesus and his disciples had so many people coming and going that they didn’t even have a chance to eat. Jesus decided it was time to get away for some rest.

They got in a boat and headed for a quiet place, but people had seen them leaving and ran to the landing spot. Once again, they were faced with a crowd.

They were hungry for more teaching, but as Jesus responded, his disciples said, “It’s getting late. Send the people away so they can get something to eat.”

Jesus, full of compassion for the people, also saw this as a teaching moment for the disciples. He challenged them to feed the people. It’s the story of the Miraculous Feeding of the Five Thousand. Read it for yourself in Mark 6:30-44.

Be Wise -- Be Balanced
Compassion always includes an expansion or extension of self. Compassionate people make this world a better place.

Just remember to keep balance in your personal environment. There’s a time to engage, and a time to rest.

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