Sunday, February 3, 2019

Stick With the Bunch


A Banana Bunch
I’m always on the lookout for a witticism to ponder, or a quote to remember. This is a recent find: It’s the banana that gets away from the bunch that gets peeled---we need each other.

Does that resonate with you? It does me, for several reasons.

I  always knew I had a nice bunch of neighbors, but while being a caregiver the past two years they really kept me hanging in there.

Neighbors Are Near
Here's how we connected: (1) one lady picked up my mail, (2) one man helped get my husband into the house after ER visits, (3) another hauled my trash to the dumpster, (4) several brought meals or treats, (5) one man drove my car in for tire repair, (6) several sat with my husband so I could get a break, and (7) a carpenter built needed ramps.

I was blessed to be part of the bunch.

To Be Alone Is To Be Vulnerable 
We can always choose to strike out alone, but Solomon said, “With humility comes wisdom” (Proverbs 11:2). I like to hang out with friends. I learn a lot as they share ways they have handled life’s challenges.

The Apostle Paul put it this way: God comforts us in our troubles so we can comfort others in trouble with the comfort we have received (2 Corinthians 1:3-5)

You may think others in the bunch have more to offer than you, but your experience is as valuable as that of any other.

Body Parts Work Together
Be a blessing in the bunch.

There's another important bunch---your body parts! I love the way First Corinthians 12:12-26 goes into great detail on this.

Just because a body part does not feel like it belongs, it's still a part of the body. God took great care in creating a totality of parts. Who has never experienced a time when one part of their body was hurting and the rest of the body suffered with it?

Stay in the Bunch
The same is true of relationships. Being connected to a group or bunch of people can be frustrating at times; we will not always see eye to eye. But love and forgiveness keep the body parts functioning in a healthy manner.

When we have something to celebrate, our bunch celebrates with us. When we have suffered a loss, they join in our sorrow with expressions of love and prayers for our comfort.

I don’t know about you, but one thing for me is certain: I want to stick with the bunch! 

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I'm so glad you took the time to comment. It's nice to have that connection.