I've been in major rains before, but this storm
seemed even more fierce. From our living room window, we watched the wind blow
sheets of rain off our roof and out over the deck.
The electricity went off and on three times in fifteen minutes. I was glad we had
a couple of battery-powered backup units for the computer and entertainment
center. But the storm reminded me to share a story I had written about another
windy day.
Here it is:
Here it is:
A Photo Reminder

I finally decided to enjoy the view from our car, though there was a wire
fence in that area.

Finally, a pretty blue bird with a white underbelly landed with his feet
about two inches apart. His tail stuck nearly straight up for balance. My photo
is a little blurry because I hurried to get the picture.
I thought he would take off quickly like the others, but he didn’t. My
husband and I both admired that little bird’s tenacity since he was fighting
the same wind we had just fought.
High Winds
You’ve probably heard about winds
of adversity. Adversity can be something physical or mental that causes us
to struggle. It may cause us to feel perplexed, confused or uncertain and we
feel at a loss, wondering what to do.

High Hopes
David encouraged himself with a little self-talk saying, “Put your hope
in God for I will yet praise Him, my Savior and my God” (Psalm 42:5).
Paul wrote that in spite of all the adversity he experienced, he was not
crushed or in despair, nor did he feel abandoned or destroyed. He chose to
focus on things unseen, “since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is
eternal” (2 Corinthians 4:16-18).
Keep Your Focus
As I watched that little bird land on the wire, I wondered what’s your motivation? All the other birds
barely landed before they took off! One thing for sure, it was a personal
Like the little bird, we do a balancing act.
While acknowledging the reality of what our senses tell us is happening, we can move past that to focus on eternal, unseen things known by faith and hope in God and His word.
While acknowledging the reality of what our senses tell us is happening, we can move past that to focus on eternal, unseen things known by faith and hope in God and His word.
Remember, when the wind blows and
you’re facing adversity, choose your focus and hang on.
Note: Do you know someone who would find this story encouraging? Why not
forward it to them?
*When the Wind Blows is from my
book REFLECTIONS: Inspirational Stories from Everyday Life (available from
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