Now that I’m a care giver again, I see
days like that quite often. Being a care giver for a family member means I’m on
tap twenty-four seven. If I was employed as a care giver outside the home, I’d
have hours at work then time of my own.

I was surprised by some very humorous
items. Most had been shared as emails from friends, but not all. I started to
smile as I read them. My focus changed and my load felt lighter.
I’m sure I’m not the only one who needs
to lighten up. So, how about sharing a few smiles?
Bumper Stickers
- He who laughs last thinks slowest
- Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine
- Cover me. I’m changing lanes
- Out of my mind. Back in five minutes
- Tell me to ‘stuff it’---I’m a taxidermist
Confusing Accident Reports
- The guy was all over the road. I had to swerve a number of times before I hit him.
- I pulled away from the side of the road, glanced at my mother-in-law, and headed over the embankment.
- My car was legally parked as it backed into another vehicle.
- I was sure the old fellow would never make it to the other side of the road when I struck him.
- I tried to catch some fog. I mist.
- I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. I can’t put it down.
- I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger? Then it hit me!
- What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus.
Good Humor
Wife: We could swing by DQ and I could treat you to a small sundae.
Husband: If I go by myself I can get a
big one.
Mom to Little Boy: We can’t get that. I’m out of money.
Little boy: There’s a bank. Go get some.
Mother: Did you find my message about
the sandwich and milk I left you?
Son: Yes, thank you. But I wanted to leave you a note.
Mother: What was that?
Son: Things go better with coke.

In the New Living Translation Proverbs 17:22 puts it this way: A cheerful heart
is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.
When life gets heavy, lighten up!
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