Sunday, October 8, 2023

A Promise and Time


People think it’s strange when I take off my glasses to read.
Even when I explain why, they seem skeptical. Maybe my experience is more unusual than I think.

A school eye test in sixth grade revealed my need for glasses. The doctor said I needed bifocals. Hardly any kids I knew wore glasses and I thought bifocals were for old people! I wasn’t a bit happy until I heard him say, “If you wear these now, you won’t have to wear them when you are older.”

I graduated from high school wearing bifocals . . . completed college, got married, and started teaching, still wearing bifocals. Years went by right up to retirement. That’s when I realized there’d been a change.

It happened in a photography class. I noticed people around me putting on their glasses to see close up, while I took mine off. I questioned my eye doctor at my next appointment and he confirmed, “You don’t need bifocals. You can read without them.”

Wow! After all those years the sixth-grade promise came true! Of course, promises aren’t made when something is imminent. Promises take time to fulfill.

Jesus made a promise that He was going away to prepare a place for those who believe in Him and would return later to take them to it (John 14:2-3).

Perhaps you feel about His return like I felt about my bifocals. I heard the promise, but years went by before it happened. I could do nothing to make it happen sooner. In fact, Jesus, like us, is waiting for the promised day of His return. He said only His Father knows the day and hour (Matthew 24:36).

His promise, like all others, requires time. World events have people asking, “Are these the last days? Is Jesus coming soon? Is the rapture real? Is there really going to be a Great Tribulation?” The Bible has proven true over thousands of years, so the answer to these prophecy questions is “yes.”

If you would like to learn more, I recommend *Dr. David Jeremiah of Shadow Mountain Church in El Cajon, California. He has been a minister, Bible teacher, and author for over forty years, and has also written several understandable **books about end-time events.

Make yourself a promise to pursue answers to the above questions. Then take time to fulfill your promise.

*Find Dr. David Jeremiah online under Turning Point**His books are available wherever books are sold.


1 comment:

  1. Just purchased his book the Great Disappearance!!


I'm so glad you took the time to comment. It's nice to have that connection.