Sunday, November 22, 2020

The Fruit of Thanksgiving

The fourth Thursday of November is almost here. A lot of people have made plans for this holiday. You've probably been part of such conversations yourself. 

Thanksgiving Day is a fun public holiday. People talk about the traditional turkey and dressing dinner, along with things like sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, and pumpkin pie.

I’d be surprised, however, if you’ve heard much about fruit for Thanksgiving. It’s a specialized individual item, but sharing it with others multiplies its pleasure. That’s why I’m encouraging you to include fruit this year.

Some of you think I’m talking about fruit salad. I’m not. I’m talking about what the scriptures call “the fruit of our lips, giving thanks” (Hebrews 13:15 NKJV). The question is how and when will you bring it out?

Hopefully, you won’t do what I did. I once served a beautiful well-planned dinner. The accolades of my guests made me feel great.

All that changed later when I opened the refrigerator door. Staring me in the face was a big bowl of fruit salad. Fruit is not known for its longevity, and it would have been so much fun to share. Timeliness is important.

The challenge this year is to purposely include some fruit. Remember, the fruit of your lips is giving thanks to God. This is open to all people regardless of age, social standing, or financial limitations.

Decide how you and your guests can share the encouragement of the fruit of your lips this year.

Need a starter phrase? Just say, “I’m thankful for (name it).” People can share fruit at the table or away from it. It’s Thanksgiving Day, remember?      

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