Sunday, January 20, 2019

Keep Looking Up


Sometimes I notice a lot of jet streams in our clear blue skies. They are fascinating because I can’t see the jets, just the white streams in their wake.

I once worked at a Christian company where employees could voluntarily attend a weekly devotional. One person each week would share a Scripture and life application.

When it was my turn, I was inspired to share Psalm 23:6. I grew up with the King James Version which says, “Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life . . .” Other translations mention mercy as kindness and love, but whatever the translation, one truth remains: You are being followed by two positive forces.

Jet Streams Show Power
While meditating on this verse I thought why would these two desirable things follow me? I would prefer them to go before me. It was then the picture of a high-flying plane with flowing white jet streams came to mind.

I understood that God in His power is carrying me through life every day. His goodness and mercy do their work on my behalf, then flow behind in visible ways to show He was there all the time.

God is always at work for good in our lives, but we don’t always realize it until we look back and observe the jet streams.

His power carried me through hard places in my life many times. I was sick and got well. I needed money for food and it was provided. I needed a job and got one. I desired a Christian husband and just the right man became interested in me.

At the time of my prayers, only the needs were obvious. But when God went to work and answered my prayers, jet streams showed up. I could see that God had been at work in my life all along.

I heard a pastor share a thought regarding a request from Moses to see God’s glory. God replied, “I will cause my goodness to pass in front of you . . . I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy . . . but, you cannot see my face” (Exodus 33:18-23). He then put Moses in a protected place until He passed by. Moses was allowed to see God’s back.
Enjoy the Afterward

The pastor explained that the Hebrew word for back means what has been. Strong’s Concordance explains it in similar fashion as the afterward, or what is behind.

We may not see God’s face, but we know when He has been at work in our lives. The afterward makes it easy to praise Him.

Sometimes, while looking at what is behind, we see clearly God’s goodness and mercy toward us. He helped us through tough times, and in the jet streams of His provision we find encouragement.

Keep looking up. You might be surprised at things which remind you, “God was here!” Enjoy your jet-stream view.

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