Sunday, November 18, 2018

"T" is for Turkey, and More!

“T” is for Turkey, and More!

Enjoy Fall Colors Around You
Fall colors abound and Thanksgiving Day will soon be here. But people, celebrating it in a variety of ways, have given it more casual names. Turkey Day is one of them.

How about Family Day? Though it may be a challenge, relatives far and near make an effort to celebrate together.

Others consider it A Day for Hospitality and Friendship. When far from family, my husband and I appreciated many such invitations over the years. And God bless the volunteers at missions and soup kitchens who try to make this day special for people they don’t know.

In one church, we had teams who worked hard to serve a Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings. It was strange to observe how many men were anxious to eat and run. To them it was Game Day and no way were they going to miss the start of their favorite football game on TV.

I remember, in my younger years, how hard my minister father and mother worked to provide spiritual significance to A Day of Thanksgiving. Traditionally, it was the Sunday prior to the holiday, and scriptures and songs reminded us to thank God for the good things in our world and in our lives.

After all, we enjoy things like sunrise and sunset, all kinds of weather in four seasons, family and friends, creative abilities, five awesome senses, an extremely flexible skeletal system---I could go on, but you get the picture.

A List of Blessings Is OK, Too
Think about it. What are YOU thankful for? This year, either by yourself or with others, take time to say, “Thank you, God, (for something that means the most to you).  

I’ve had the privilege of sharing Thanksgiving over all kinds of food. I’ve enjoyed spaghetti dinners, Mexican food, and a variety of hotel buffets and potlucks. Togetherness in a spirit of thankfulness is always more important than what we eat.

A friend recently sent me a text/photo of a preschooler’s version of Thanksgiving. It was so special, I want to share it.

The format was simple. The teacher read a printed question, then wrote the child’s answer below. As a former teacher, I was pleased to see the five-year-old child had printed his own name at the bottom. I’m sure it was a proud moment for him.
Turkeys Beware!

Q: Where do you get a turkey to cook for Thanksgiving?
A: Walmart

Q: How long do you cook a turkey when you put it in the oven?
A: 10 seconds

Q: Is there something special you need to do to a turkey before you cook it?
A: Fluff it

Q: How much does a turkey weigh?
A: 10 pounds

Q: What else do you like to eat with turkey?
A: Donuts

There you have it!

Chefs, don’t forget to fluff the turkey. And if anyone knows the secret of baking a ten-pound turkey in ten seconds, be sure to let the rest of us know.
Take Time to be Thankful

Meanwhile, on Thanksgiving Day, enjoy your donuts, or pie or whatever else you like to eat with turkey. 

And don’t forget “T” is for Thanksgiving this year.

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