Sunday, January 7, 2018

A Book for Life


I’m a writer but I’ve been trying to read more. That means magazines, books and on-line articles. Inspiration and ideas are never in short supply.

Reading has always been a favorite pastime. As a young child I would “read” the pictures in Dad’s set of encyclopedias. Mom read aloud from Mother Goose Rhymes, Little Golden Books and my Bible story book that did not have pictures. I kept that book for years because I learned to read it for myself.

Being literate about Bible characters and stories has helped me culturally. Societal references to Noah, Job, Peter or Paul don’t leave me feeling like an outsider. I know their stories personally.

Learning for Life

The Bible, to this day, is the only book I have not outgrown.

As I got older the stories carried deeper meanings. Biblical settings could be located on a map. The proverbs made more sense. Jesus’ oft-quoted sayings became more challenging.

Though I have read the Bible for several decades, I do not yet understand it all. I enjoy learning new things from each reading. In it I find answers I seek. The Bible is my book for life. Why?

It is a spiritual book unhindered by the passing of time.

Words of Life and Power

It is God’s Word, living and active, powerful and penetrating, judging even the thoughts and attitudes of our hearts (Hebrews 4:12). It was not written by the will of men. Scriptures were written as men were moved and inspired by the Holy Spirit on what to write (2 Peter 1:20-21).

I recently read of a survey by the American Bible Society. It reported that 87% of American households own a Bible. That sounds great---so what’s the problem?

Only 30% of those surveyed said they had read more than a few passages or stories from them.

You Are Invited 

Picture the Bible as a banquet room full of the best food choices on earth. You are invited to enter and freely partake. It’s impossible to consume all items at once, so you select a few and sit down to enjoy them.

The banquet host is in no hurry to clear things away. You freely go back for more. Now and then you have a question about one of the dishes. 

Servers appreciate questions. It means you are fully engaged in your experience.

It's Personal

Two basic questions impact the Bible as a book for life:
     1. If you have a Bible, how often do you read it?
     2. If you don’t have a Bible, have you attempted to get one?

The Bible is a spiritual, life-giving banquet waiting for you. Pick an item of interest and get started.

Don’t worry about understanding everything. 

Just ask God to help you and He will. After all, He has a vested interest. It’s His Word.

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