Just this week I saw a huge trash truck trying to back out of a small street onto a larger one. He was on the opposite side from me and I noticed that he was on hold because cars kept whizzing around him.
My street curved where he was trying to back out. I felt uneasy about my limited view, so I stopped about a half block away and waited. There were no cars behind me.
He started to back up again, and once more a driver sped around him. I was thankful I had left some room since she crossed into my lane before swerving into her lane again.
At last the truck backed out into the street and headed my way. I was surprised to see him wave a thank you. As I drove on, the word respect came to mind. I thought I showed respect by waiting for him to back up and he showed respect for me by taking time to be polite.
Diamonds are for Everyone
Respect is like a sparking diamond. It has many facets to make it shine. Let's consider a few:
Regard: Your opinion of a person or their job affects the way you treat them. Do you treat higher ups with respect and people of less importance poorly?

Sharing: Every time you give respect to someone you share a part of yourself. Have you noticed how little sharing is done in a parking lot? People don't seem to have a second to spare.
Politeness: Our society has a "me first" edge. Common courtesy is no longer common. At the least, do you try to show respect with a simple please and/or thank you?
Empathy: This is the ability to share in another's emotions or feelings. In difficult situations, do you consider anyone besides yourself?
Control: The most important control is self-control. Losing your temper and lashing out at others shows a lack of respect, not just for them but for yourself, too. Do you ever feel good when you create a scene?
Thoughtfulness: This includes kindness and careful attentiveness to others. For example, when giving a gift do you consider what the receiver might enjoy? Or are you focused only on your satisfaction as the gift giver?
Your Attitude Matters
Respect is free and easy to give, but it's not automatic. Romans 12:10b says, "Honor one another above yourselves."
Do you really want to make a difference in this world? Consider how to give some respect. It's a good way to start.
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