Sunday, October 13, 2024

Angels Available

There are various beliefs and teachings about angels.
I attended a memorial today where a cousin of the man who died shared an angel testimony. It seems his cousin was being taken to the hospital in an ambulance when the EMT said, “Hurry, we’re losing him.” The man lived, and later he said, “I heard the EMT, opened my eyes, and saw two angels sitting beside me.”

Angels are mentioned in the psalm I studied today, too. Only sixteen verses long, this psalm first impacted me when an older member of the church where we pastored stood up and said, “I’d like to share my insurance policy.” He then quoted Psalm 91. I was highly impressed.

Faith in God is good, but it must be activated to be effective. We do that when we pray, asking God to deliver us from evil and the evil one. This can include traps of various kinds, diseases, and disasters (*Psalm 91:3-4, NLT).

Psalm 91 can be divided into five sections:

1.       Have faith in God (V. 1-2)

2.       He will help you (V. 3-4)

3.       Do not fear (V. 5-8)

4.       Angels are available (v. 9-13)

5.       The Lord helps those who trust in Him (V. 14-16)

We can make the Lord our refuge when we know His promises. We can call upon Him to help us as we stand upon (believe in) His word (Psalm 91:14-15; 4). The question then is, “How well do you know God’s word?” If you take time to read it for yourself each day, you will learn His faithful promises. This psalm says they can function as your armor and protection (V. 4).

There is no reason to live in fear or dread, day or night (V. 5-6). Instead, we are urged to pray because the Lord will rescue those who call upon Him (V. 14-15). He has angels to dispense as our supporters and protectors (V. 11-12).

How wonderful to serve a God who cares about us. Let's remember this powerful God can help us and provide needed protection whenever we activate our faith to call upon Him for help.

*Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright 1996, 2004, 2207 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by Permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

*Pixabay: Bible, Open, Book Images; Pexel.


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