Sunday, September 22, 2024

A Good Break

I’ve just enjoyed a good break.
It was better than the one in March when I needed a partial hip replacement. But I’m happy to say, “Praise the Lord.  I’ve come a long way in my recovery.”

I took a break from writing my weekly blog and did a lot of reading instead. I enjoy writing my blog, but my challenge is to make a meaningful point in less than 400 words. The reason is that many people read on their cell phones and do not enjoy long articles. I’m one of them.

Writers are always on the lookout for golden nuggets.  These ideas can be further developed in time, and mine are usually jotted down on sticky notes or handy scraps of paper.

Life has routines, but breaks are important. Anyone who works eight or more hours a day will tell you even fifteen minutes away from tasks is refreshing. During our forty years of ministry, my husband and I enjoyed our assignments, but we looked forward to our weekly refreshing day off.  

God Himself took a break. In Genesis chapter one we read of His day-by-day creation of the heavens, skies, and seas, plus everything in them. But chapter two breaks from chapter one by saying on the seventh day God rested from all His labor. He also blessed the seventh day and sanctified it (*Genesis 2:1-3).

That blessing showed up again. When God gave Moses ten basic commandments for a healthy society, number four was:  Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy, do no work (Exodus 20:8-11). “Sabbath” comes from the Hebrew word “shabbat,” meaning to cease or desist.

Jesus always worshiped on the Sabbath, but He rebuked the finger-pointing legalists by saying He was Lord of the Sabbath and He desired mercy, not sacrifice (Matthew 12:1-14). He also declared that the Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath (Mark 2:27).

After Jesus’ resurrection, His followers started worshiping on the first day of the week. But God’s plan for a weekly break was never pulled back. The fulfillment is up to us. If you’ve thought it wasn’t important, please think again.

*All Scriptures from The Holy Bible, Berean Standard Bible (BSB), Published by Bible Hub, Pittsburg, PA, USA, Copyright 2022; Used by Permission.

Pixabay Illustration: Paper, Pen, Notebook; Ivan_Digon.  

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