Sunday, June 18, 2023

Opinions and Criticisms

We live in a strange world today
. It seems filled with what could be considered malicious opinions and criticisms. There may be other terms for this phenomenon, but people seem determined to tear each other down rather than build up.

Social media makes it easy to hit and run. You are a faceless entity to a majority of readers, and you don’t even have to use your real name if you don’t want to.

Certain character traits produce negative communication. People full of bitterness, anger, a fighting spirit, or slanderous thoughts find it nearly impossible to say or write something positive. Ephesians 4:31 speaks clearly to these traits---get rid of them!

Ephesians 4:29 NIV gives three guidelines for positive communication:

Don't let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouth (or in print)

Speak (or write) only what is helpful to build others up according to their needs

Your words should benefit those who listen (or read) 

These guidelines are easy to grasp. But people aren’t looking for Godly guidelines. Why bother when our society declares we can each decide our own truth?

Here’s a daily scenario: Someone reads something someone has written. They may have never written an article, but that doesn’t mean they can’t give their opinion. Opinions and criticisms float around like bubbles without substance.

It’s easy to be an armchair critic. Such opinions lack respect for the amount of work it takes to be a writer, the skill to be a baseball player, the education to be a lawyer, or the self-discipline to run a business.

It’s a wanton disregard and lack of appreciation for the rights or accomplishments of others.

It’s happening so much now that people are getting tired of it. Many are realizing it’s useless to fight back. The best thing is to let it go. Why? Because people bent on tearing others down will not accept correction.

After all, it’s only your truth, not theirs.


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