Sunday, July 10, 2022

Seeds Anonymous

I’m not a gardener, so I have no advice in that area. I am a seed, however, just like you. Which of us has never felt like a dot-sized seed in the huge field of humanity?

One tiny seed journaled its thoughts:

                Page 1:  I am only a small seed and I feel like a tiny dot in this world. I know my feelings are based on my outward appearance. My importance lies on the inside, unseen but powerful. One day I will be planted, though I don’t know when or where. I do know I will grow at my God-given rate and my life will make a difference.

               Page 2:  Here I am---just a dot in this huge field, but I’ll remain in place, growing and producing what is within me. Eventually this field will be harvested and the grain distributed. My life will continue in a new way, but no one will know which life-supporting grain came from me.


 Page 3:  Harvest is over. This field has been plowed and my roots are resting in the sun. I lived a full life, did what I could, and even now I’m enriching this field for the seeds that will follow me. I’m still unknown, but fame was not my goal. I simply wanted the personal satisfaction of a life well-lived.

Day after day our world is blessed by unknown people. Like the little seed, they choose to remain faithful to their jobs, their families, their employers and themselves, living out their religious and moral principles.

Good deeds are important and will be rewarded. According to Matthew 6:1-4, Some people make it a point to let people know what they are doing. Earthly praise is their reward.

If we try to do good works without being noticed, our Father in Heaven judges the motives of our hearts and His will be a heavenly reward.

Albert Schweitzer, a Nobel Peace Prize winner in 1952, said, “The only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.”

You are important. Together, as members of “Seeds Anonymous,” these shared traits can make a difference:

Kind hearts our gardens,

Kind thoughts our roots,

Kind words our flowers,

Kind deeds our fruits.

(Author Anonymous)


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I'm so glad you took the time to comment. It's nice to have that connection.