Once upon a time, I met The Carrot Cake Lady. I gave her that distinctive title because I had never met anyone like her.
She enjoyed cooking and baking, and hospitality was definitely one of her gifts. She baked “from scratch.” No box mixes for her.
Her cakes were one layer, in an oblong pan. She would turn it out on a piece of cardboard covered with foil, then frost it beautifully with rich cream cheese frosting.
Carrot cakes were only one of her talents. I was awed by her ability to remember birthdays. Sometimes she would invite people for a birthday dinner. Carrot cake for dessert, of course. But the guests got to take the rest of it home.
She remembered people that were unable to come for dinner, too.
On her birthday list was an older man in a care center. One time when she brought him a cake she asked, “How old are you today?” He said, “I’m ninety.” She laughed and said, “You’re ninety-one. I’m keeping track.”
I am not suggesting you bake a cake or even keep track of people’s birthdays.
I’m simply suggesting showing people you care. I know COVID threw us off track. We had to make major adjustments in our thinking and routines just to survive healthily. Sharing a homemade cake outside the family was not really an option.
As things are improving, a caring connection can be made in many ways. Each of us has different gifts, talents, and/or abilities to show people they matter to us. We don’t even have to know them well.
There’s a verse in Galatians 6:10 which says, “As we have an opportunity, let us do good to all people . . .” So, here’s the question: What good do you do when see an opportunity?
Do you like to plan ahead like The Carrot Cake Lady? Or do you prefer to do good spontaneously as opportunities arise?
What the world needs now is a caring connection. But then, it always has!