Sunday, May 23, 2021

Everyday Miracles

It happened again! I sat down to watch something on tv and fell asleep. Did I want a nap? Yes, but not right then.

When I woke up the tv was still on. How did I sleep so well and not hear it? What caused me to wake up? It was nothing loud or boisterous. 

Sleep seems like an everyday miracle.

Miracles---what are they? To me, a miracle is something good that’s impossible for me to do for myself. My dictionary says it’s something to marvel at, a remarkable event or thing.   

It also says it could be an action or event contradictory to the known laws of science. Things attributed to supernatural causes are often called an act of God.

We all enjoy five miracles on an everyday basis:

1. Seeing---our eyes bring the world right into our life

2. Hearing---auditory signals are always in the air, but somehow our ears sort out what we need

3. Touching---we can explore with our fingertips, but our face and feet respond to touch, too

4. Smelling---it’s nice to distinguish beautiful fragrances from noxious odors

5. Tasting---most of us prefer sweet to sour, but we all have favorite foods in a variety of categories

Each of us is a miracle. I used to get a kick out of the opening scenes of a movie called “Who’s Talking?” A graphic artist had created one active sperm moving up the fallopian tube yelling, “This way guys.” But he was first and slid into an egg, then the human story began.

What could be more miraculous than the beginning of a human being as one tiny sperm and egg combination . . . one cell?

Are you thankful for this variety of miracles? Why not say so? According to Psalm 100, an attitude of gratitude is a great way to enter God’s presence, giving Him praise.

Think about this; then enjoy coming up with your own list of everyday miracles.

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