Sunday, June 30, 2019

French Fries and Onion Rings


Eat Fries While They're Hot
My husband and I were visiting his family when Dad came in and said, “Who was eating French fries in my truck?” There was silence as the rest of us in the room looked at each other.

Mom never drove the truck, and neither my husband nor I could remember eating French fries. So, not getting the satisfaction of an answer, Dad went out to finish cleaning up his pickup.

The incident reminded me of a quote by American humorist Erma Bombeck: Onion rings in the car cushions do not improve with time.

Whether onion rings or French fries, hidden scraps lose their charm. Cold and greasy, they’re about as appealing as jellybeans to a chocolate lover.

We like the idea of nice hot fries or rings, so we plunge ahead and place an order. When they arrive, we dig in and enjoy both aroma and taste. But as we get full, we slow down and lose interest.

Good Ideas Light Up Our World
Every day people come up with good ideas to help others. Some even research ways to develop them. But enthusiasm does not always carry a project to completion. You might hear a conversation like this:

“Hey, what happened to that project you were working on?”

“Which project?” you ask, stalling for time.

 “You know, the one for the homeless."

It’s been months since you worked on that project. Why are they asking now? Feeling awkward you say, “I raised some funds over Christmas, but then I got interested in another project.”

“Oh? The needs were met then? No more need?”

The crumbs of your neglect have been uncovered; now you’re squirming. “No, the need is still there but so are many others. I made a little difference at least. How about you? Any helpful projects on your list?”

Your goal, if you can’t change the subject, is to at least move the spotlight away.

Simple to Order
Ideas and goals are like fresh orders of fries or rings. They have great appeal. Placing the order may be easy, but can you finish them?

Jesus gave some great advice in Luke 14:28-33: Count the cost BEFORE you start something.

Life may be more satisfying if you avoid the crumbs of good intentions.   

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