Sunday, May 19, 2019

Blog? Why Bother?


Person-to-Person Connections
I have found it’s harder to write a blog than I thought, because I want to write, not just journal. That means editing and rewrites, so why bother?

Three good reasons come to mind:

     1) I enjoy writing
     2) It allows me to share inspirational thoughts
     3) Sharing personal stories can encourage others

I want to be a bright spot in your day, so I try to keep things short. This makes is easy for New Day by Darlis to be read on a cell phone as well as a computer.

During years of employment, business writing needed to be clear and concise. I was well-trained in factual, no-nonsense communication.

Writing is Creative Communication
In retirement I have pursued a variety of classes. The first was on writing stories for children. I enjoyed that, but I think the most fascinating genre is memoir.  Part of that is the challenge to write creative nonfiction.

It was hard to wrap my head around that, but when I caught on memoir became even more fun. Instead of “just the facts, Ma’am,” facts are shared in a story-kind-of way.

"Snail Mail" is Another Connection
I’ve been writing inspirational short stories for five years. I put many of them into a book called REFLECTIONS: Inspirational Stories from Everyday Life. It was self-published and is available from

As I continue my weekly blog, I also write cards and letters of encouragement to people who come to mind. I’ve always enjoyed being an encourager.

A writer’s magazine shared this reminder: A word fitly spoken (or written) is like apples of gold in settings of silver (Proverbs 25:11 NKJV).

I would love to give you something so beautiful.

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I'm so glad you took the time to comment. It's nice to have that connection.