I was sharing with a
friend the other day how my mother gave us kids Easter baskets, though dad did
not fully approve. Being a minister, he wanted to be sure we celebrated Easter
for the right spiritual reasons.
Mom helped us color hard-boiled
eggs. These were placed in our baskets on top of shredded green artificial
grass. She would include a chocolate egg and other candy. The fun came in
exploring our baskets before we left for church.
There we heard the
Bible story of The Resurrection of Jesus. No one mentioned Easter baskets. That
was just a fun thing we did at home. Well . . . mostly fun. Some of the fun disappeared
when mom served boiled eggs in different ways the next few days.
Time Changes Things
A lot of churches
and communities now do Easter Egg Hunts. Some have grassy areas to hide the
eggs. Others have to get creative as they hide huge amounts of eggs indoors.
Either way, it’s fun for the kids.
I’ve been in churches that requested donations of plastic eggs and wrapped candy. I’ve contributed because I know children look forward to hunting Easter eggs. And, if they come, they will hear the Biblical story of Jesus and His Resurrection.
The Cross and the Garden

There was a garden
near the crucifixion site. Jesus’ body was placed in a tomb there (John
19:38-41). Years ago, I enjoyed a trip to Israel and saw both sites in person.
But I don’t celebrate the empty tomb; I celebrate the Resurrection.
There’s a special
blessing in that.
What Is Faith?

Later the disciples
reported, “We have seen Him!” But Thomas staunchly declared, “Unless I see His
wounds and touch them myself, I will not believe.”
Eight days later
Jesus appeared to the disciples again. This time Thomas was there and Jesus
addressed him personally. “Thomas, reach out and touch my wounded hands and
side. Believe!” Thomas answered, “My Lord and my God” (John 20:24-28).
As Jesus
acknowledged Thomas’ faith, He also spoke a blessing upon believers of a
different kind: “Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John
20:29). That’s me. Is it you?
John said he wrote
so “that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that
believing you may have life in His name” (John 20:31, KJV). Through faith I
have hope of eternal life.
Celebration Unlimited
Easter eggs are fun,
but the real JOY of EASTER is The Resurrection. It's something we can celebrate all
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