Resilience is a word you don’t hear too
often but it’s a valuable character trait.
When life is flowing easily, who needs
resilience? It’s when life gets hard or seems to come to a standstill that it becomes
an asset.

A Note of Encouragement
My brother sent some notes from a recent
conference. His comments caused me to consider the connection between resilience
and success.
He said, “You will either have
resiliency or depression, discouragement and stagnation.” As a caregiver I had
already decided I wanted to avoid that negative trilogy.
His next comment surprised me. “Your
note indicates to me that you are following the prescription for success in life,
being resilient. Keep it up.” That was encouraging! I went back to my email to see
what he meant?
Resilience in Action

I also shared how we were planning to
pay off bills without the extra income option. Then I had written “Hey . . .
God is good! Life is rolling along and I’m trying to give myself LOTS of
freedom since I’m on tap all the time. I so enjoy reading since I can pick it
up and lay it down. Writing is too consuming in many ways, so I’m happy just to
keep up my weekly inspirational story.”
Years ago, my husband and I took
seriously a comment made by a dear friend: “Blessed are the flexible for they
shall not be broken.” That simple reminder was something I was still trying to put
into practice.
Tears for How Long?

These few verses reminded me that our
journey from earth to heaven is a pilgrimage, filled with challenges and
unknowns. Yet we can move forward from strength to strength in faith that comes
from God.
Faith lifts me up, out, over, around, or
past challenges that threaten to be insurmountable, unstoppable, or unsolvable.
Wanted: Resilience
When tears come I’ll let them flow, but the
valley of tears is not where I want to remain. My choice is to pursue
resilience, a key to success.
Beautiful thoughts, Darlis! Highly encouraging! Thanks!