Sunday, January 2, 2022

The Old and New

It finally arrived . . . the first day of the NEW year! I enjoyed a quiet day at home, receiving and sending greetings to friends and family, along with a little TV time.

When a friend mentioned watching the Rose Parade, I was shocked to realize I totally forgot to plan ahead for it this year! I’ve watched the Rose Parade in person or on TV every year since college. But I had a lovely relaxing day and my new year got off to a good start.

A few weeks ago, I noticed a diary as I moved a pile of books. I had written daily notes while caregiving for my husband, but after he died, I let them go. I've only been doing it again for a short while.

This morning I reached for my diary first, even before breakfast, and wrote SNOW DAY. I enjoy waking up and looking out my window. I saw snow, but it was a beautiful bright sunny day, so I hoped the snow would simply melt off my car like it had earlier this week.

My diary has one page per day, with a scripture verse at the bottom. Today’s verse was a pleasant surprise!

The faithful love of the LORD never ends.

His mercies never cease.

Great is His faithfulness;

His mercies begin afresh each morning. . .

The LORD is good to those who depend on Him,

To those who search for Him.

Lamentations 3:22, 23, 25 (NLT)

I read it again, then again. LOVE, MERCIES, FAITHFULNESS, GOODNESS . . . ancient words of hope from the Old Testament. What could be better for a Happy NEW Year?

The thing is, I had already found these blessings to be true daily.

As my husband’s caregiver, I would wake up, look out the window to greet the day, and say, “Thank you, Lord. I know Your mercies are new every morning, so I’m counting on Your help again today.”

Our Father in heaven is the one Who said, “Pray about everything.” From experience I can tell you, He’ll respond to you if you do. 

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