Sunday, May 24, 2020

Shadows Vs. Light

Light and Shadow Create Beauty
Shadows are created when something blocks the light. For example, I once lived in a flat desert area, but never saw the sunrise. The mountains to the east created shadows to start my day.

Now I never see the sunset. Houses on the hill above me create shadows as the sun goes down. It's a blessing, though, because it enables me to enjoy my deck in the late afternoon.

I'm now dealing with a different type of shadow, and so are you. We understand the routine of sunrise and sunset. But COVID-19 feels erratic and seems to constantly loom over us.

It's unlike the welcoming shadow of a shade tree on a hot summer's day. It's more the sinister variety, an unknown threat.

Does This Look Like a Heart?
Shadows can sometimes be fun. Have you ever tried shaping your hands and fingers to create animal shadows? Children are intrigued by that and want to try it, too.

The problem is that this pandemic shadow is scary, and not entertaining. We want it to be gone from the world, yet such power is not ours. It's more of an individual thing.

It's no secret---when light meets dark, light wins! At bedtime, a child afraid of the dark gives the solution: "Leave the light on."

There is light available for our darkness, too. The Psalmist declared God's word was a lamp to his feet and a light to his path (Psalm 119:105). Light is good, but it must be activated.

Action, Not Explanation, Required
You don't have to understand how electricity works. You just turn on your lamp and darkness leaves. It's the same with God's word.

The Bible is a lamp to our challenging shadows. Turn that lamp on by reading it. There's a lot of wisdom in Proverbs, for example.

Your cell phone has a Bible app called the You Version. There are others. The key is to take action! 

Shine the light of God's word into the shadows of your life. Enjoy the difference it makes.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Hang on to Hope

This is COVID-19
I have finally lost patience with COVID-19. Today was the first day I felt truly challenged by stay-at-home orders.

The past couple of months, I've had plenty of things to keep me busy. I rarely even needed to go for groceries or necessities. When I did, I observed social distancing and wore a mask.

The thing is, I'm tired of hearing about COVID-19. Opinions are so varied I don't know whom to believe.

I'm also tired of seeing COVID-19 on display around the globe. Epidemics have caused havoc before, but not on such an all-encompassing worldwide scale.

We Are All In This Together
My refrigerator has a magnet that says It Will All Work Out. That's what dad would say after he tried really hard to deal with something and found he couldn't change it.

Sometimes all we can do is wait. When that happens, how we wait becomes important. That's why I'm reminding myself to hang on to hope.
HOPE! Now there's a word worth keeping in your vocabulary. The dictionary describes it as desire accompanied by expectation.

That makes it a dynamic, energetic word. People with hope never give up.

COVID-19 seems to have renewed interest in spiritual things. It seems more people than ever are praying. Many of them have learned that prayer changes things. 

For me, hope and prayer go together because I see it like this:

How Often Prayer Enables

Prayer that enables provides the means, power,
or authority to do something, or get it done.

Pray Anytime Anywhere
How often should we pray? The Apostle Paul said to "pray continually" (1 Thessalonians 5:17).

Prayer is talking to God. It comes from our heart, not our posture. We can pray anytime, anywhere. I do, but why?

Because God is greater than I am, I have hope! Because I have hope, I pray. When I pray, I believe God hears me, whether my prayer is long or short.

HOPE in the form of prayer makes a difference. Even if we feel our faith is as tiny as the mustard seed mentioned in Matthew 17:20, it has power.

Prayer changes things, so don't give up. Hang on to HOPE!

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Perseverance, Courage, or Both

If Only World Problems Could Be Handled Easily
Around the world COVID-19 is still an issue. As a pandemic, it’s a widespread life changer.

Have any of these changes affected you?
1) Schools are closed, and homeschooling and online classes fill in

2) Business challenges abound with “work from home,” jobs cuts, and layoffs

3) Food Banks are overwhelmed, and churches and civic organizations are trying to help

4) Social distancing is a given, masks are becoming more of a requirement

5) Group size limited to 10 has affected weddings, funerals, and celebrations of all kinds

6) Hoarding has caused shortages in necessary goods and food supplies

7) Needed Personal Protective Equipment for hospitals and first responders is in short supply

8) With a few “essential businesses” left open, the economy is ebbing low

9) Shelter-in-place requirements have curtailed travel and closed the hospitality industry

10) Streaming Online and ZOOM have joined Skype and FaceTime as “personal” connections

I could go on, but you probably have your own list. What we have in common is this: Life will not return to our “old normal.”

Your "New Normal" May Puzzle You
Major events always create a “new normal.” That’s why I am focused on perseverance and courage.

Older citizens may think I’ve got a handle on this. Younger ages may think someone else will cover for me. The truth is, perseverance and courage are personal qualities needed at any age:

Perseverance: continuing to do something in spite of obstacles or challenges; patient effort; persistence; adherence to some action, purpose, or belief.

Courage: the attitude of facing and dealing with anything recognized as dangerous, difficult, or painful; no withdrawing from it; brave.

The apostle Paul wrote that suffering produces perseverance and perseverance produces character (Romans 5:3-4).

The phrase “be strong and courageous” appears often in the Old Testament---Joshua 1:6-9, for example.

Make A Positive Difference In This World
So . . . how are you dealing with the challenges of COVID-19?

Hopefully, your answer will be, “I’m hanging in there” (perseverance), and/or, “I’m looking for ways to deal with it” (courage).

We need both.

Sunday, May 3, 2020

15 Proofs of True Love


“I love you.” These little words are deceptively simple.
It’s their major impact on relationships that make them worth exploring.

Some people start dreaming of true love in their teen years, and some later. But “true love?” What might that be?

I think love comes first emotionally. Then come physical feelings wanting expression. That’s where “I love you” can present its first challenge.

It wants expression NOW . . . and often says, “I love you. And if you love me, you’ll (do whatever makes me happy).”

Emotional decisions at that moment may cause actions that later bring regrets. Could it be that true love waits?

My husband conducted many wedding ceremonies.
Love Is Not Always A Feeling 
My favorite line was this: Love is not always a feeling.

It’s a great feeling, but for love to last long-term, there has to be something more.

Consider these characteristics of love
in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7:

The Message Bible:  LOVE
The New Living Translation: LOVE 
     1.  Never gives up
Is patient
     2.  Cares more for others than for self
Is kind
     3.  Doesn’t want what it doesn’t have
Is not jealous
     4.  Doesn’t strut
Is not boastful
     5.  Doesn’t have a swelled head
Is not proud
     6.  Doesn’t force itself on others
Is not rude
     7.  Isn’t always “me first”
Does not demand its own way
     8.  Doesn’t fly off the handle
Is not irritable
     9.  Doesn’t keep score of the sins of others
Keeps no record of being wronged
     10. Doesn’t revel when others grovel
Does not rejoice about injustice
     11. Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth
Rejoices whenever truth wins out
     12. Puts up with anything
Never gives up
     13. Trusts God always
Never loses faith
     14. Always looks for the best
Is always hopeful
     15. Never looks back/keeps going to the end
Endures through every circumstance

Choose Carefully For Lasting Love 
Note:  No one is so perfect as to display all these characteristics ALL the time. 

But consider these fifteen (15) proofs. 
You might find "true love" is an option for you.