We hear a lot about equity and equality these days. But perfection in these two areas is not possible, for various reasons.
First of all, physical differences create male/female identity. People also differ in their thought processes and emotional makeup.
Another difference appears in gifts and abilities. For example, we have statesmen, nurses, doctors, entrepreneurs, and skilled laborers. They can be either male or female. But while education and training vary from one skill to another, no one person is more important than another.
Consider this question: Can two people walk hand in hand if they aren’t going to the same place? (The MSG, Amos 3:3). Whether you are a couple or a business or sports team, there must be agreement on goals.
A good leader listens to others, considers what to do, and then shares his plan. With people in agreement, each does his best to help the plan succeed.
There is also more to walking in agreement? While using our gifts to help one another, we are also to love and honor each other (Romans 12:6-8, and 10).
Every team needs a leader. In marriage, the husband is to be head of the wife, but he is not to be a tyrant. He is to love his wife as Christ loved the church and was willing to give His life for her (Ephesians 5:23-28).
My husband and I worked through a rough patch after I stopped telling him what I thought and he stopped asking. We were looking for housing in a new ministry when I started to cry. He asked, “What’s wrong?”
I said, “The Lord gave me a warning to share with you but I didn’t do it because I thought you wouldn’t listen anyway.” He was shocked, and said, “Well, share it with me now,” so I did.
He said, “Promise me you will always tell me what you think, and I promise to listen before I make a decision.”
It was a fresh start. This honoring of one another became mutual submission out of reverence for Christ (Ephesians 5:21). That set us on a renewed path for a happy marriage of fifty-two years. Praise the Lord!
Let’s aim for honorable equality, doing it as unto the Lord, not just unto man (Colossians 3:23-24).